On the 50`s and 60`s the business model considered as part of its great image the size, then, was easy to find huge corporations with thousands and thousands of employees, having everything on–board. At that time, was a right business decision, but what about today?
Today we can divide daily operation`s company in two:
– “its business core, how they make money” and,
– “What they need to do its business”.
This second part usually makes companies to hire people to handle, accountants, secretaries, lawyers, etc, areas with no expertise.-
So if you are capable to be focused in your business, and let those areas where you are not an expert, you will be able to improve your company, and expend more time and manpower to increase your profits.
But, how?
First of all is needed to define what you want to Outsource, and where.
Traditionally India has been the first option to consider Outsourcing, Legal Process Outsourcing, IT Process Outsourcing, business Process Outsourcing.
Recently, new options are on the market, and Costa Rica is one of these. For Year my company has been given assistance to foreign mostly US companies to start and run its back office in Costa Rica. At this time after year im confident about the successfully experience, the great results they get, and the manpower they found here.
If you add the time zone, flight time, airfare costs, Costa Rica is by far one of the best option in America. And it is not new, HP, Zykes, Intel and many other companies are here since many year ago.
Maybe more than 10 year ago in Costa Rica, many people started working with English speakers companies, attending areas like clerical, secretarial, accounts, etc. This experience makes ease to find employees with great English skills and with experiences and knowledge to deal with foreigners, in fact, is known that Costarican people are not concern with the foreign investors, otherwise our people are comfortable having business and or working for foreigners.
Today Costa Rica, has a great technology base, and due new regulations (CAFTA for example) there are new options and competitor offering services in this area.
So, again im confident about lot of options to find in Costa Rica, for example
Legal Dictation and Transcription Outsourcing,
Medical transcription outsourcing services,
Business transcription outsourcing.
Translation Services.
It is a great article itemizing the important factor to outsource the part that you are not an expert and focus on things that you are able to do well….have a nice day thanks for your article its a great help