Business and Corporate Taxes Costa Rica

Today the country borders are just for the real world, and in my opinion everyday we are live more in a virtual than a real world. Many year ago, when we planned to visit another country, the preparation for the trip was a big work, because if you were not physically, then all the operation in […]

sportsbooks license and online casino – in Costa Rica

For many years Costa Rica has been in many ways directly affected by the industry of sportsbook and  online casinos. there are many many visits on our site, asking mainly for two issues: – there are a legal and approved industry in Costa Rica? – there license issued by the government?

Costa Rica Lawyer visiting US

DYN outsourcing services, legal and Outsourcing Area is starting a new service, due many inquires from our US clients, new business opportunities in US, and needs from investors and costarrican citizens, we will be attending our clients in Orlando Florida, from april 1st to april 6th 2008. In case you need assistance to incorporate in […]

Small Business consider Costa Rica

When the human being is more creative is under presure or un crisis, if you are in a confortable place be sure you dont want to move from there, but if you are not happy with tour actual situation, be sure you will be looking to be better. When this times just that, time to […]

lawyers on line – free advice in Costa Rica

Maybe, i month ago, i wrote a blog in spanish  bringing free legal advice in Costa Rica, im amazed how many comment i have, how important information we have been share. when my web master ( offered me to open a blog, i think twice, but finally i agree and at this time i m […]

your own business in Costa Rica the simplest way.-

Since we started our company here in Costa Rica, we had seen many many ideas, options, mistakes, and all those situations gave us a great expertise, sometimes jointly our clients we took advantage from the options, others learned from mistakes.

Incorporation in Costa Rica – Non Residents

  Es absolutely possible to create and run a corporation (limited or S.A.) in Costa Rica been a non resident, our constitutional law and our civil and commercial law grant the same rights, benefits and obligations to resident and non residents. Es as simple as send a letter given an authorization